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Orientation Week

Every year, the orientation week takes place in the week before lectures begin. The O-Week is organized by us as the student council - that is, by students for students. You will get to know the campus, have the opportunity to make contacts and receive all the important information about studying. We will provide food, drinks and a pleasant atmosphere. Please register for the O-Week! For English-taught programs, please check below for the details of your program.

Registration and program German-taught degree programs

Orientation for students in Elektro- und Informationstechnik (B.Sc./M.Sc.), Nachhaltige Energiesysteme (B.Sc.) and Lehramt Elektrotechnik:

Click here for the current program and registration.

If you study Sustainable Energy Systems (Master), please also register via this link!!! 


English-taught study programs

Welcome to the Master's degree program in Sustainable Energy Systems.

You are kindly invited to attend the orientation day before the start of the summer semester. However, we must point out that although there will be slides in English, the main presentations will be given in German. All speakers are fluent in English, so you are welcome to ask questions in English during the presentations if you have not understood the information.


Please register here, via this link:

Registration 2025 Orientation

The form is currently only available in German, but with a translator this should not be a problem.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Your orientation is organized by the Automation & Robotics student council. You can find more information on their website.

Student Council Automation and Robotics.