2024 Orientation
As every year, the orientation week takes place in the last week before the start of lectures, which this year is from Septmeber 30th 2024 to October 2nd 2024. We have prepared a three-day program so that you can get off to a good start to your studies.
We need your registration for our planning. You can send this in even if you have not yet enrolled at the university.
Registration for the 2024 Orientation
Notes on the procedure
- It starts with our O-Week on 30.09.2024 at 09:30 am. The location will be announced here. If you are already registered, we will inform you by e-mail.
- Complete the official enrollment at the university as soon as possible so that you can use the semester ticket during the O-Week and leave your car at home. The ticket is valid from 01.10. and thus in the O-week from day 2 (you will then have to organize your journey for one day).
- Some lectures of the orientation week contain interactive elements for which you will need internet access. Unfortunately, the mobile network is not available in the lecture halls, which is why we ask you to prepare to log on to the campus WLAN (eduroam).
- If you have any further questions, please contact us by e-mail.
Program overview for the O-Week
Here you can find a small schedule:
Monday, 30.09.2024 Location: ?? | from 09:30 to 18:00 | Introductory lecture, welcome from the department, tour of the laboratories, tips from the study coordinator |
from 6 pm | various activities | |
Tuesday, 01.10.2024
| from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Introduction to studying - lecture, campus rally with your own teamer and fellow students, introduction to our computer pool |
from 5 pm | Barbecue | |
Wednesday, 02.10.2023 Location: ?? | from 10 am | Introduction to tools, digital rally through the city of Dortmund, evening program with open end |
You will find out which program item will be dealt with when and the other exact contents on site during the O-week. But you can already look forward to...
- A welcome from the department and student council
- A guide for your studies, especially in the first few weeks
- Answers to your open questions, such as: How do my studies work? When do I have to be where? How is a university or department structured?
- Getting to know your fellow students at various team activities
- Get a taste of current research by visiting the laboratories
- Become familiar with the university's tools and services
- Getting to know the campus and the city of Dortmund
- Barbecue and get-together
- ... and much more!
Program in the first week of lectures
In the first week of lectures, i.e. the week after the orientation phase, further events will take place, as we would like to give you more important tips to take with you after you have already seen the first lecture halls from the inside and so that you can network more. You will find out everything else in the O-week, but mark the dates in your calendar now.
When do I have to be where?
It's best to come to the introductory lecture at 09:30 on the first day. From there, we will guide you through the rest of the program and inform you about what will happen over the next few days. On days 2 and 3, the rest of the program will also be introduced by a lecture in the lecture hall.