General Assembly
The General Assembly (Fachschaftsvollversammlung: FVV) is the most important committee of the student body at the department. All students of the student body belong to the FVV - so probably you do too!
The FVV's responsibilities
At the General Assembly (FVV), the new Student Council is elected and the old one is discharged. In addition, new auditors are elected to check whether the student council has handled the student body's money responsibly. Therefore, the FVV is the most important event of student self-organisation within the department. It is the highest decision-making body of the student council and controls the work of the student council.
As a rule, the FVV takes place once a year - at the beginning of December.
The Student body?!
The student body (Fachschaft) includes all students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from the degree programmes:
- Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Bachelor and Master)
- Information and Communication Technology (Bachelor)
- Teaching degree in Electrical Engineering (LABG2016, Vocational Education)In the teaching degree program,you have to choose a departmengt in which you are eligible to vote for the department council. However, you can vote for the student council in all student bodies, e.g. Math and Electrical Engineering, at the FVV. However, you may only be a member of one student council (at the same time).
Students from the Automation and Robotics degree programme have their own student body.