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On this page we want to explain you how to access the UniBib and give you an idea of books and websites that have proven to be useful.

The Uni-Bib

Borrowing books from the university library is quick and easy:

  • On the homepage of the Uni-Bib you will find the catalog Plus, where you can search for books.
  • If you are in the university network (either on site or via VPN), you can access some books in full text as PDF.
  • For books that you cannot download, you will find an indication where they are located and whether they are still available.
  • Books from the textbook collection on the first floor (such as the Albach or Das gelbe Rechenbuch) are not shown in the Catalog Plus. You just have to go there and see if there are any copies left.
  • To borrow on site, you need the campus ID from the TU app. You have to scan the books at the machines at the exit.
  • To return the books, use the return station.

You can find out how to download the books from home via VPN and more information on the Uni-Bib page.


Here is a small selection of books that we have come across. Which is the right book or books for you, you have to try out or find out yourself, so feel free to look in several. Tip: Borrow from the library first, then buy if it's suitable for your collection.

For more information and reviews on the books, check out the E-Room.

  • Higher Mathematics
    • K. Burg, H. Haf, F. Wille: Higher Mathematics for Engineers, Teubner Verlag (5 volumes)
    • H. Dallmann, K.-H. Elster, R. Elster: Introduction to Higher Mathematics, UTB (3 volumes)
    • P. Furlan, The Yellow Calculus Book for Engineers, Scientists and Mathematicians, Martina Furlan Verlag, (3 volumes)
    • C. Karpfinger, Higher Mathematics in Recipes, Springer-Verlag
  • Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
    • M. Albach, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, 1st ed, Pearson Education 2011, (3 volumes)(The one and only book for GET (volumes 1+2) ).
    • There are also exercise books for this that are good.
  • Introduction to Programming for Engineers
    • U. Kirch-Prinz and P. Prinz: Learning and using C++ professionally, 4th ed, Vmi Book 2007.
    • U. Breymann: C++ - Einführung und professionelle Programmierung, 9th ed.
    • B. Stroustrup: The C++ Programming Language. 3rd edition. Addison -Wesley: 2000
  • Physics
    • Hering, Martin, Stohrer: Physik für Ingenieure;
    • Tipler, Mosca: Physik;
    • Giancoli: Physik;
    • Halliday, Resnick, Walker: Physik;  
    • Knight: Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics 

Internet addresses

  • Wolfram Alpha: The online tool for plotting functions or "checking" its solutions.
  • Wikipedia: The self-reading tutor you trust.
  • Youtube: The tutor you trust in moving pictures. Recommendation: Math-Peter.
  • Integral / Derivative